Green Healing ~ Plant People and a Bucket of Beets

“That’s a picture right there,” a staff member remarked today when she saw the red bucket of beets. 

Beets in a Bucket!

Green Healing Happening!

She was right and it’s a wonderful image, but the best part is that we each took home a beet or two.  I’ve already eaten a little orange one.  I’ve never seen one that color and wanted to try it right away.  It was great!

We also ate our first carrot today. Yum!  Fresh vegetables taste better than ones that traveled thousands of miles, and it sure feels good to eat food that I helped grow.  It also feels good to see and experience the gift of life from nature.

It seems like most days I meet a garden friend.  I saw a few butterflies and many bees today.  My friend and co-volunteer touches bees and said she once kissed a bee! 

Bee Kisser and Milkweed

She kisses Bees!

The creatures of the gardens always captures the heart of Plant People.  I met the little green guy, pictured below, in a garden behind a restaurant where I had lunch with two friends after group today. 

Garden Friends in Nature

A Green Healing Garden Friend

Today was another good Green Healing day in the Horticulture Therapy gardens.  We were blessed with good food, each of us had something to offer and as always, we shared a mutual kindness and empathy that soothes my spirit and makes me feel a little lighter. 

We ended our day with hope that the newly planted sunflowers will grow big and tall, which will bring smiles to many different faces.  We also planted Loofah seeds!  Isn’t that exciting? 

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13 responses to this post.

  1. […] Green Healing ~ Plant People and a Bucket of Beets ( […]



  2. […] and the creatures who inhabit it and make it work. LDK has embarked on a project to facilitate this Green Healing through volunteering, along with her adult son, in a horticulture program for folks with special […]



    • IconDoIt! Leslie has touched my heart and moved my spirit with her post about friendship and Virtual Green Healing.

      In Gratitude, ‘Lady Dogkisses'(LDK) –A title she offered for, “the sake of brevity.”

      Thank you for sending me such love and healing on this day. Your friend, LDK.



  3. Posted by Danée Jensen on May 25, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    What is a Loofah seed?



    • Hi Danee Jensen,

      “The Loofah Gourd is a member of the Cucurbitaceae ( Gourd ) family. The Loofah is spelled several different ways, i.e., Lofah, Luffa or Lufa. It’s commonly known as the Washrag Gourd. It is the only plant known that can be raised and used as a sponge.” (via Jim’s Loofah Sponge Page) (

      “It is a very fast growing annual that produce vines up to twelve feet or more. I have seen them grow over 20 ft. high in trees and produce dozens of gourds per plant.” (Also from Jim’s Loofah Sponge Page) –see web address above.

      I’m excited to see them grow. I’ve seen the ones from last year, and of course, they look like the ones sold in stores for bathing. We’re going to grow them on a trellis that will cover a bench.




  4. Im just loving your Green Healing Days Michelle.. Nothing beats growing and tasting your own veggies.. Im just so enjoying seeing your pictures also.. you have brought the garden alive . I have 3 days off now so thats where I will be… as I need to heal my own Spirit just a little.. Take care… and Love to you Michelle.. Hugs ~Sue xx



    • Hi Sue, Thanks! I’m not having such a great healing day today, and sick on my tummy. Am gonna go out and walk. Hope you are doing well, and that I feel better soon. That’s one awesome bucket of beets, and they are very tasty! Hugs, xoxo Michelle.

      PS I just saw the other part of your comment. I hope your days off are nice and healing for you. Enjoy!



      • Yes they look it Michelle.. something over the ocean must be catching! lol.. as Im not too well either.. So taking some time out from blogging for a few days.. I may add a few new things soon to my herb healing though.. I may put myself on your Beets diet. sounds just what I need as it cools the liver and helps stomach problems…. Im just so tired of late.. but then I have been trying to go longer inbetween the acupuncture treatments.. so maybe that too..
        But Im fine, Im made of rubber didnt you know and I always bounce right back! 🙂 😉 have a Great weekend yourself and I hope you too feel a lot better soon.. Hugs Sue xxx



        • Thanks, and sending you bunches of green healing wishes! I need to go back on my beet diet, and am going to eat one raw right now since you told me how they are cooling and boy does my tummy need help. So, get some good organic ones if you can, and if you see any bright red ones like mine in a bucket, take a picture.

          Be Well and Peace,
          Hugs xoxo Michelle



  5. Posted by Food Stories on May 24, 2012 at 2:56 AM

    I love reading your site so I’ve nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger Award for illuminating, informative blog content. You can check out the details at my site … … Have a great day!



  6. Once again, thanks so much for sharing. Brings back such lovely memories for me — as I’ve said before. Except, gardening where I did in Canada, I didn’t have any lizards joining me! I can almost taste the beets and carrots. I love beet greens, just slightly wilted, decantly mixed with melted butter and garlic.
    I love it when butterflies and/or dragonflies land on me. They are particularly attracted to my husband. When we went to a butterfly conservatory in the Niagara Falls area (Canadian side), he was constantly surrounded by all these marvelously colo(u)red, shimmering, fluttering, fragile but strong butterflies. Same thing happens outdoors — they especially like his balding head! Dragonflies, too, are attracted to him.



    • Phylor, Hey! Your are so so welcome, and Thank You of course, because if I didn’t have you to share with, then my posts and I would be very lonely. I am especially happy that you like the Horticultural posts and photos. They take my mind off of pain, and my problems, and probably help by doing so. I know HT is really working for me. I am only a volunteer, so I never expected such healing to happen for me. It happens deep inside, you know what I mean? Things I pushed back a long time ago seem to be revealed ever so gently, and mighty clearly!

      About those greens! I left out the Kohlrabi. I hope to make something today with them. They are gorgeous too! I’m going to make a raw dish though, and hope to take a photo of it.

      Your hubby sounds like me. I wonder if it is our particular scent that our little “fragile but strong” friends like about us? Unfortunately, the ticks like me as much, or more! I’ve never seen so many ticks, and pulled so many off of me in such a short time.

      I would love to go to a Butterfly conservatory. There is one two states over, and I think our state Museum includes the traveling one. They go to different museums and set up a mobile butterfly conservatory type structure. For now, I’m in butterfly heaven in the gardens. That Zebra Swallowtail came visiting again, but this time it wouldn’t stop to drink nectar, but just went from one garden to another, continuously. It reminded me of a very excited child!

      Wow, I sure can write a lot before 9am!

      Thanks for your comment phylor! I hope you have some ‘green healing’ moments today!

      Hugs and Love,



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