I was recently given the MeMetastic blog award!  This award is a fun guessing game for my readers.  Read on…

A fun guessing game for readers!

The award was given to me from Deb, at

THANKS DEB!  I think 🙂

Once you receive the award you must do a few things:

  • You must proudly display the award in a post.
  • You must list 5 things about yourself and 4 of the 5 must be BOLD FACE LIES.
    (your readers must guess which one is the truth)
  • And you must then pass this prestigious award on, to 5 deserving bloggers.

Below are my five stories.  The five blogs I chose are listed at the bottom of the page.

Remember, only one story is the whole truth!

1) I was confined to a wheel chair, as a result of a childhood bone disease when I was a toddler.  The doctors told my mother I might never walk again.  I hated that chair!  My brother, who is ten years older than I am, used to take me and my little chair on wheels to the top of our steep road, which was deep in the mountains.   My two older sisters would stand at the top of the road, holding my chair, with me in it of course, until my brother made it to the bottom.  He would count to some number, which was their clue to let me go.  I would fly down that mountain in my little chair!  It was great fun!  The best I can remember, my brother always caught me.  My mother didn’t mind this game.  I wasn’t happy the day I put my foot on the floor and was able to walk again because I had to give up my little flying chair.

2) When I was fifteen I skipped school one day.  It was the first time I had ever done anything like that.  In fact, I never broke rules.  I was always trying to be the perfect student.  Anyway, it was raining that day.  I was driving my boyfriend’s truck.  My brother saw the truck.  He began chasing it because he didn’t like my boyfriend.  The road was curvy, but lucky for us, I had learned to drive several years earlier.  I was wearing a pair of, “Candies,” which was a style of high heel shoes popular in the ’70’s.  The heel got caught under the gas pedal.  We both wrecked.  I drove straight into a brick building at 80 mph.  My brother’s car slid into the building too.  The truck I was driving only had a small dent in the corner and I didn’t have a scratch on me.  My boyfriend had serious cuts and bruises.  My brother had to have nine stitches and it totaled his car.   I realized my brother must have done that out of love, so I stopped dating the guy and never saw him again.

3) I have an authentic Mile High Club button, which I had a great time earning.  A professor at a college I attended was also a pilot and ask me if I wanted to go flying.  Sure I told him.   He told me how he had always wanted the button, but never knew a woman brave enough to help him earn it.  I was young and daring!  In order to get the button and become a member of this club, we had to put the airplane in the hanger a mile high in the air, which we did, but not without turbulence.  The plane nose-dived.  I wasn’t the least bit afraid.  I thought it was great fun!  Shortly afterward we were flying normally again.  The professor, whom I obviously had great confidence in, couldn’t believe I didn’t get scared.  “I trusted you knew what you were doing,” I told him.  “I do, but I lost control of the plane.  We nosed-dived!”  he exclaimed.  “We did what?” I asked him.  “We are very lucky,” he added.

4) I love Comic Sans, Oprah and Dr. Phil!

5) I got caught speeding when I was 20 years old.  I had driven my dad’s car to a city an hour away.  It was raining hard and I had decided to see how fast I could make it back home.  I pulled over when I saw the blue lights, rolled down the window about two inches, just enough so I could talk to the officer without getting wet.  The officer asked if I’d been drinking.  I told him all about the wonderful drinks I’d enjoyed earlier.  He said he clocked me at 124 mph.  He and four other officers had chased me for five miles.  I laughed and told him that wasn’t a very long time at that speed.  I went to jail, lost my license and my father didn’t speak to me for a several months.  I learned some important lessons and never drove like that again.

Which story do you think is entirely true?

The Five blogs I chose as recipients!

Seeking Equilibrium

Jessie causing a calamity

Autoimmunemaven’s blog



You can visit the MeMetastic Hop to add your name to the list of recipients of this fantastic award.

I’ve heard that I’ll be hunted down by the creator of this award, pronounced meem-tastic, if I do not correctly follow the instructions.  I’m scared!

I hope you enjoyed my stories.  I also hope you will leave a guess in the comments, as to which one you believe is the whole truth!

Thanks for visiting Dogkisses’s blog!


26 responses to this post.

  1. Commenting on my own post to clear up a couple details in this post because I’m too tired to explain truth from “boldface lies,” which was part of the mean tastic award and something I didn’t do very well with. I’ve wondered if this award was black magic 😉 —

    So, just to let you know:

    1) I have never been to jail! My dad was good to me and never would he not speak to me, as I had “told” in one of those mean tastic stories.

    2) I learned my lessons from my mistakes, fortunately the first time, as with my speeding ticket.

    That’s the rest of those stories, for the most part anyway.




  2. […] Memetastic Blog Award ( […]



  3. Posted by licoriceroot on March 25, 2011 at 11:37 PM

    Just wanted to let you know I have not forgotten about this – just have been super short on time and energy this week!
    🙂 Celia



    • Thanks Paul and Dreamwalker. Very kind of you both.



    • Celia, thanks and no problem. If you write the stories I hope you have fun.

      I need to update mine, esp., the one about having “gone to jail,” –I’VE NEVER BEEN IN JAIL, THANK GOODNESS 🙂 and my dad always spoke to me, no matter what, thank goodness.

      I’m very tired so am resting some. Be well. xoxo



  4. […] Memetastic Blog Award ( […]



  5. […] Memetastic Blog Award ( […]



  6. Posted by licoriceroot on March 19, 2011 at 11:27 PM

    Oh how fun! I apologize that it’s taken me a while to read this – we just got back from vacation this afternoon, so I’ve just been checking on things as I could.
    I love this! I will be posting my post for this tomorrow night after I get updated – hopefully just ahead of that Memetastic Voodoo!
    Thank you again for thinking of me! I’m thinking of bold face lies as I type, ha ha!
    🙂 Celia



  7. Congratulations Michelle, on your Award .. Now for me to get down and do some reading on here LOL Love light and Peace xx



  8. Thank you for picking my blog and sorry it’s taken me so long to come by–I’ve been working and sleeping–that’s all. I will pass the torch–for fear of Meme- voodoo. I really appreciate your reading my odd little thoughts :-))



    • A ‘maven– hi. You are so welcome! I really like your blog. And no worries, ever, about not responding or coming by, okay. I think some folks had fun writing their stories, but it is totally up to you whether you feel like doing it and can do it whenever. I don’t know about that mean woman who will hunt us down. I’ll put my big dog, Tiny, online, if she gets too cranky 🙂



  9. Well they all seem crazy, so its too difficult. I’m going to go with 4! Thank you for picking my blog. 😀



    • Hi Jessie,

      You sure have a strong voice. I can see why you are choosing a writing career 🙂 –calling my stories “crazy” and all… saying it like it is. I like that! Probably why I chose your blog.

      About the award, your welcome! I hope if you participate that you have fun.

      Thanks for guessing –it is not number 4. I’ll post the completely truthful story. I didn’t follow the rules correctly, but that was an accident. And that is the whole truth.

      Have fun ~~~



  10. I have no idea. But for some reason (no clue why) I think #5 reads like it was written truthfully. These are so hard to guess! But fun! Thanks for participating. Can’t wait to see your reveal of which is true. 😉



  11. Posted by ruthie on March 18, 2011 at 1:58 PM

    Hi Michelle ~ i guess I read you as playful above all else, so I’m guessing #3. i do see your writings as describing that you have been very lucky to have been cared for and taught and spared from lots of pain by remaining true to what you believe in and standing up for what you need and what your son needs. It just struck me, although I see your writings a bit in #2 as well?? I would not think #4 at all, but I may be wrong! 😉 I hope you have a wonderful day!! I hope also that your heart is healing from losing dear jack, that story just made me cry buckets!!!! You care so much for the animals, it is sweet!! peace and love, ruthie



    • Hi Ruthie ~~ Thank you for reading the stories and guessing.

      You are truly insightful. Also, thanks for your kind words about the fighter fish, Jack. I cried buckets too. I’ve dreamed of him twice and he was quite beautiful. Esp., the first time. He was glowing red and swimming.

      I’m going to post the story that is completely true.

      You are right, it is not number 4.

      Hoping you are doing well. –Thinking about starting a blog yet? 🙂

      Peace and love,



  12. Ok……I’m going out on a limb and guessing number 5. Something tells me it isn’t number 4!!



    • Rose, you are sweet for reading my stories. I wish I had shortened them. This blogging world is fast isn’t it? I’ll wait a little while to see if anyone else reads and if not, then I’ll tell the answer soon 🙂

      I got your message and will try the sign-up today if it isn’t too late. Yesterday was a very hard day for me. Thank you for taking time to help with that.

      Blessings and many well wishes to you!
      xoxoxo Michelle.



  13. Is #4 the Comic Sans one? That’s my signature typeface – me and a bazillion other people, so that’s what I would go for, but I couldn’t spend quality time reading the stories, but I have a good excuse. My puppy jumped into bed this morning and scratched my eyeball with her toenails. I had a bloodshot eye all day long and felt miserable. I saw the doctor after school who didn’t even bother to look at me, but referred me to an opthamologist. Forget TGIF! The eyepatch is not a good look for me. 😦

    Thanks for the present. Most of my real life stories sound like bald-faced lies anyways.



    • Hi Jan,

      I hope your eye is doing better today. I’ve actually had that happen before too, but yours sounds much more serious. I’m sorry it ruined your Friday esp., a holiday! Take good care of it and I hope it heals up quickly!

      Your welcome, and just so you know, most people don’t write as much as I did, (go figure right, I’m working on the less is more idea, but what a challenge. I could write you a page right now, lol, but I won’t and aren’t you glad 🙂

      I changed true stories and later saw everyone was just telling short one liner “bald-face” lies. I should have pushed my creative side more, but I had fun anyway.

      Well wishes — Michelle.



  14. Anon, why hate to say it? Glad you took a guess!



  15. Posted by Anonymous on March 17, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    I hate to say this but I pick #4! It’s the only one that is not scary! If it’s not #4….I don’t know! You don’t seem like a daredevil to me! Maybe you are ??!!??



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