A wise chew…

I was not in the nieghbor's garbage Mom!I knew I didn’t have much time left when I spotted it on her sparkling clean desk.  A pen was lying on top of it.  I’d seen her use it many times crossing off things she thought she needed to do.

As soon as she left, I’d inspected the place.  I had to search more than usual after all those hours she spent cleaning, but there were still a few things I could chew. 

There were some shoes, one of which smelled pretty good and a tennis ball that I had hidden under the sofa months earlier.

It had to be something different this time.  Something that would definitely make her stop and think. 

She had worked and worked and worked.  I had waited and waited and waited!

I put my front legs on the chair and swept the list off the table with my muzzle.  Perfect!

I thought for a second, maybe two, was it going to be a good chew?  How would I know if I didn’t try?

More importantly than a good chew, I had to save my human mistress from a time warp of never-ending indoor chores!

I would have to choose my chew wisely.  I can get away with just about anything.   She loves me a whole bunch! 

As far as things to chew, it was rather tasteless and boring, but that didn’t stop me.

I chewed the paper into as many pieces as possible.  I spit out the remains, which created a tidy, but easily visible thick pile on the floor.

I didn’t have time to jump up in my chair when I heard the car pulling into the driveway.  I lied down, pretending to be asleep.

She opened the door carrying as many groceries as she could.  She was always doing more than she should.  She put the bags on the counter and shut the door.

“Hi Free! I’m finally home,” she said.

I didn’t move. I waited.

“What are you doing lying there like that?” she asked.  She put away the groceries.  Normally, I would have greeted her at the door.

She walked over to check on me.  She looked around to see if I had damaged anything.  I’ve had to in the past to get her attention, but not in a long time and only as a last resort.

Finally, she spotted my work.  She picked up a few pieces of the paper.  What had been words were now little blotches of ink.

She looked perplexed.  She glanced at her tidy little desk and then back to the floor.  Leaning over, she inspected the small pieces of paper again.

She’s a little slow, but she soon realized that it was true.

Of all the things to chew, it was her list if things to do!

I saw a glitter in her eyes.  She gave me a great hug and started laughing.

Right away she grabbed my collar and even though I’m Free, she put me on a leash.

She says this protects me from the Momma bear who recently became our neighbor.  I’m not afraid of bears like she is, but I admit my powerlessness over my highly sensitive olfaction, as well as my penchant for stealing neighbor-dog toys.

“You’re a funny dog Free,” she said as we set out for our walk to the grassy meadow where I graze and she relaxes on the wide flat rock with a view of the sunset.  “I sure do love you,” she tells me in a way that makes me know I did the right thing.

I am Free.  I’m teaching my human mistress to be a little more like me.

In Memory of Free. “A happy dog” she was always called.

She Lived and Loved from 1993—2006, Forever in my heart and memories.

Taken from my journal, Lessons from Free, May 8, 2006.

Thanks for visiting Dogkisses’s blog!

16 responses to this post.

  1. Hi Michelle can you help me with my blog. I want to put you down as a blog followed on my one and maybe vice versa but can’t work how to do it. Help!!!
    Email me as i have that book to send you.



    • Hi Lynda, I will surely help you if I can. I am covered up with calls and they are the most stressful. Am going to get a massage I think! And some therapy! Will email you soon, hoping weekend is better. Would be good to take my mind off my problems too! Thanks for thinking of me! xoxoxo



  2. What a perfect post to read just after waking up to find our not-so-new puppy chewed my favorite shoes. In her defense, we’d just talked yesterday about needing to buy some more “chews.” I’m sure she confused “chews” with “shoes.” I can’t stay mad when she looks at me with those soulful eyes. This story made me miss all of the dear dogs in my life and the time I spent with them. Thanks so much for sharing this!



  3. What a delightful story to read tonight (or this morning would be more accurate!)!

    I loved it, too!




  4. Arrgh Michelle.. at last I have arrived to read this post and oh I am so pleased I saved it until this morning.. As Im sat on my own and your story sent a sparkle of tears to my eyes, as our beautiful animals who come to us as our pet dogs and cats, indeed have many beautiful lessons they teach us.. Out of all the things Free chose to chew~ Your To Do List~ A very wise Dog, who Im sure is still at your side nudging you even now as you write down those lessons once again.. and see just what Dogs do have to teach us..
    Her Spirit Lives on within your Words and I am sure if she could speak you would listen intently to her wisdom.. But then you are.. as she nudges you to write down those memories of when you were together..
    This would be a great first chapter to a book you know.. one you really should concider to write..
    I thank you so very much for stopping by my Sanctuary to comment Michelle.. I have had a hectic week with work and worked over the weekend on Saturday then had family for a BBQ Sunday.. arrgh all worth the effort as I havent had family All together under my roof in such a long while…. So recovered yesterday.. back to work this aftnoon/night.
    Sending you a Big Hug!.. ~Dreamwalker 🙂



    • Thanks Dreamwalker and such a delight to receive your comment this morning.

      I love how you described my girl “nudging” me to write. It makes me smile to think of her that way. I’ve always been amazed by how when I think of her, most often I feel a rush of love or laughter. I thought I would cry every time I remembered her, but that hasn’t been my experience, plus, the expert grief psychologist I had a few sessions with before Free passed said I “pre-grieved” more than any client she had ever known. Go figure.

      I cried so very much and then we had three very special days together. She showed me her true essence. We communicated on a deep spiritual level and one of the things she asked of me was to remember our good times together.

      So nice to hear you enjoyed your time with family. I hope your work week goes well. Thank you too for encouraging me about writing a book. Maybe the time will come…
      Big hugs to you too! Michelle.



  5. Great story! Free sounds like an incredible dog! I’m glad you let her/him (I should know/remember which but I don’t) “speak” through your blog. Thanks for making me smile on a dour afternoon.



    • Hi phylor! Free was a girl, but it’s okay not to remember. I forget everything! Plus, a lot of people called her a boy. She was awesome! I hope your evening is better and so nice to know the little story made you smile. Thank you!



  6. As attached to my To-Do List as I am (because I would forget too many things without it), I have to admit I felt child-like joy at the thought of a dog chewing up my To-Do list and just going outside with the dog. 🙂
    I LOVED the post, Michelle.



    • Hi Deb! I’m glad you could laugh. It was very funny to me also! Of all the things to chew! Free was an amazing animal. She understood entire sentences, knew her colors and was an excellent thief. I mean, she waited for a dog to leave his or her yard and would then run as fast as she could to steal their food or toys! She wasn’t very good at hiding. She would lie behind a skinny pine tree in our back yard. Her waist was wider than the tree, so it looked like the tree had two knots on each side. She’d lie there while I was gardening, which she was extremely jealous of (she barked at flowers), and once in a while she peek around to see if I was watching her. I’d pretend not to see her. I guess it was peek-a-boo!

      Thanks for reading and commenting Deb. I hope you have a good Sunday! Peace and well wishes, Michelle.



  7. Beautiful, Michelle! I’m sure you are making her very happy by remembering what she worked so very hard to teach you 🙂
    Sometimes, I think dogs were God’s gift to us poor humans, to teach us about the most important things in life: truly unconditional love, caring, and forgiveness, and to give us a constant source of joy & humor.
    Many hugs –

    Ash (and Shunka, who taught me so very much, including how to say goodbye and to let go when the time has come – and who has never left me, as Free has never left you)



    • Hi Ash! Thank you! I’m so glad you understand and know what it is like to truly learn from and also communicate with our friends, long after they’ve left this earth. I think dogs are angels. They must come from a special place and when someone has an open heart and needs help, then God sends just the right one to help. I do believe that dogs are the only part of this life that makes any sense to me. (((hugs2u2))).



  8. Michelle! This is absolutely beautiful and so touching. I LOVE IT. you should print more of these, I’m not kidding. My dog and I are applauding, Bravo, well done!!!!



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