Green Healing ~ Imagining Nature

the white flower shines

If I could be a plant, I’d fancy being a ‘May flower’ that surprises people walking by my home.  I would most enjoy living under the shade of the great green leaves.  I could have a private life, having just enough neighbors to chat with after a light rain.  I’m quite sure that if I was a May flower, then the other Mays and I would sing our stories and have a wonderfully cheery life!

nature strikes white

If I wanted the sky to see more of me,

under the sun

a pretty Pitcher plant I’d like to be.

quite cheery

How wonderful life would be if I was medicine to make people feel better!

healing hearts and lifting spirits

If I was a Lavender plant, people would say ooh and aah and, how lovely you smell.  I’d take pride in soothing minds and spirits.  And Sage!  I would cleanse their homes and make the turkey taste good! I could be a Pineapple Sage and people would make me into tea.  I’d live best by the doorsteps where my fragrance and delicate red flowers would remind my people that I await their return.

for what ails you

There’s so many choices of flowers I’d like to be!

plant people

look there!

I know of a garden that has a good life.  It isn’t very large, but it’s medicine is big.  People gather ’round the rolling mounds of rich dirt to learn and grow.  If ever I was a garden, then that’s the one I’d surely be.  I’d grow yummy green Chard and pretty purple Cabbage, make friends out of strangers and whisper sweet secrets to the good kind humans who come to take care of me.

is such a special place to be

Thank you for visiting Dogkisses’s blog.  Please feel free to leave a comment and I hope you too have some ‘Green Healing’ days!

13 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by lantanagurl on April 30, 2012 at 12:00 PM

    Reblogged this on Namaste Healing Center.



  2. Green Healing I can never get enough of.. What a lovely thought to be a plant within a Healing Garden.. I really enjoyed your post Michelle. We can all find so much from our Garden, and even if we are not fortunate to have a garden we can always grow some herbs or flowers in a pot.. ..
    So many of my favourites you have mentioned here.. Only yesterday We had half of finely sliced Red Cabbage. Which you call Purple as I braised it slow in pan on top of the oven hob in a little 75 mls ofRed wine or you can use balsamic viniger,, a tablespoon of brown sugar, a pinch of sea salt and added a chopped apple and chopped onion thinly sliced like the Simmer for around and Hour and a quater until cabbage soft remember to stir at intervals and keep just simmering, not too hot or it may stick..
    And then you mention the sage.. I use lots of sage and not always in cooking, although I love sage and onion stuffing.. But I smudge alot with Sage..
    Then you spoke of Lavender, again so soothing an aid to sleep and to bring about calm… I have in the past made Lavender bags full of their blossoms which can be placed near a pillow to aid sleep..
    And even those Nettles can be brewed into a fine healthy tea..

    Love that you are having so much fun gardening, and I thank you Michelle for taking time out to come visit me over at Dreamwalker’s
    Always so very Happy to see you..
    And I often send you a few healing vibes… Im hoping you will enjoy seeing my own planting efforts in my own Grow your own page..
    Love and Blessings to you and yours.. Love and Hugs your friend.. ~Sue xxx



    • Hi Sue! I almost forgot to reply to your wonderful comment. I will surely be coming by to check out your gardening adventures, and jam making too.

      Thank you so much for the recipe! YUMMY! Cabbage is very good for us isn’t it? And taste good too. We will surely try the recipe, and let you know too.

      I am growing Sage, but I think it is the kind for making tea, or cooking, and not smudging. I’d like to grow that kind. Today I bought a Lavendar for my mother’s upcoming birthday. I hope she likes it. I also got a few herbs for the Alchemist’s office. He needs some plants, as one of his died. He is helping us so much. And he is such a very nice person too.

      You are a dear friend, and I am so glad to be sharing about the gardens.

      I’m tired tonight, but a good tired, and am going to rest now.

      Hugs and Love,
      Michelle xoxoxo
      PS Thank you for the healing vibes my friend. I am truly grateful.



  3. So beautiful, Michelle! Poetry in words and pictures! I love this post, and it brought – and is still bringing – me happiness during a stressful day.
    Your words are so healing, I thank you for the gift of them 🙂
    And you know, Mayapples are one of my most favorite of Forest dwellers – have been since I was a child. Their fruit is edible, but the rest is powerful medicine, or poison if taken too much of. We have many Mayapples here, and now every time I see them, I will think of you with gratitude.
    Much love,



    • Thank you Ash! I’m so glad to know the post brought joy. I really had no idea how it would come across, other than that the flowers are so pretty, you know. So, it makes me happy to know that me enjoying the plants so much is passed on. I forgot to list that the flower was actually a Mayapple and almost edited, but decided it didn’t matter. I had forgotten about this plant, but we used to see it a lot up in the mountains. Such a lovely flower it is hiding under those leaves. I don’t think I knew either that it is a medicinal/poisonous plant. But, what I love most about your comment, is that you’ll think of me when you see them! I really love that 🙂 What a better time to be thought of. Big hugs and Love, Michelle xoxoxo



  4. Beautiful post, lovely images, so very very touching and mirroring to my own story these days. thank you



    • inventingeden –Hi. What a lovely name for a blog. I haven’t had a chance yet, but will come visit you soon so I can see some of your ‘story’ and thank you for stopping by to leave your kind thoughts. I am surely taking respite in nature this year.



  5. Love it!!! I know it made me feel better–Thank you.



    • Hi Sheila! Way cool that this post made you feel better. I enjoyed pretending to be plants for a little while 🙂 Thank you for sharing and well, the flowers and plants say you are welcome! They sure do put on a show. Take good care, and I do hope to visit your blog again soon. I hope you are doing well. Hugs to you, Michelle.



  6. Michelle, You are the best of all those good things wrapped up in one incredible person. I hope you realize that, I think you do now more than you did a few years ago. You bring light and happiness into the world with your kindness and your ability to love and heal. I’m proud to call you my friend. love, Laurie



    • Hi Laurie,

      Thank you for warming my heart with your loving words. I am honored to be your friend and most grateful to have you as mine. I would have never known what a peep is for the rest of my life if I had not come to know you. Or be able to turn tears into laughter (in my first online chats) when I was going through such a tough time last summer and fall. So, thank you for the friendship. I’m glad the flowers brought out the love. Nature is our friend too.

      I hope your heart is healing. I haven’t been able to keep up so well lately, as I’m pretty tired when I’m not busy.
      Big hugs and Love, Michelle xoxoxo



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